Admissions & Fees

At Kids First Adventure , we try to keep the admissions process as simple as possible. We also offer several opportunities to get to know the school before you apply. Our tuition fees are affordable, state subsidies are accepted upon approval. We look forward to hearing from you !


1. Is there a late fee when picking up my child passed the alloted time, If so how much will I have to pay ?

Late fees are $1 per minute, after your allotted time. Payment is due the next business day. 

2. Should I bring extra clothes for my child ?

Extra clothing is necessary for the safety of your child.

3. If my child is sick , when can they return to child care services ?

If a child presents a fever your child must be medication free for 24 hours, before returning to the center. 

4. If I am not able to pick up my child can someone else pick them up, what type of documents will they need if nesscessary ?

Parents are advised to contact the center with a name of the receiving person, I.D is required with contact information before the child is released. 

5. Incase of an emergency, how will the parent be contacted ?

KFA utilizes the REMIND APP to communicate with each parent and staff, an automatic text will be sent to your phone giving you updated information incase of a fire, evacuation or lock down.

Admission Inquiry